Monday, March 25, 2013

In a blink

In all reality our lives are but milliseconds in time, while we feel the universe revolves around us which couldn't be further from the truth. Which is why we must chase and follow the dreams we want, because time is short as it is and waiting to pursue happiness could be meaning it will never come at all.
Today may seem like the hardest day you've ever faced, but even so if it is the worst day then it can only get better. We only have this life, to live, love, learn and understand what we were placed here to do. Because it what will seem like nothing at all this life will be over and behind us, how do you want to remember it and what do you wish to leave behind.
Sometimes I feel like hanging my hat and saying screw it all! But I can't I have to keep fighting for what I want out of life and what I need to experience to look back and appreciate all this time I've had to enjoy, perhaps that's why I always seek perfection knowing I don't get a do over. Human beings can be truly amazing, think of what we've done where we've gone and what we can accomplish, while I've seen what the worst of society can bring, having faith in the decent and the good is what makes me think a future exists for me as well, maybe even a really great one, things have certainly changed but maybe soon it will be better

1 comment:

  1. What you have written is very truthful about life, you are very wise. I hope all is okay right now, sounds like things might be a little rough, am thinking of you tonight and praying all is okay, my friend.
