Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A boost and short review...Im back

Ok so after a long break from blogging, Im back and as promised a while back I have made some changes and updates to the blog and Im certainly not done :)
I have added some informaiton on the other pages such as travel and animals ect....so feel free to check out the added pictures and stories :)

Also I promoted at work and am now a Sergeant which is a great career move but also a raise...who doesnt love more money, right?!
Plus after training in Huntsville Robert took me on a mini-vacation to LA, where we stayed in New Orleans and visited the Myrtles Plantation which was such an awesome late birthday gift!!

 Romantic walk by the River
 New Orleans Craziness....so FUN
 Le Pavilion where we stayed, so georgous
Myrtles Plantation
...more pics will be put in the travel page :) it was a fun short trip

Body issues :/
A week ago I was placed in the hospital for extreme abdominal pain and found out that an ovarian cyst almost the size of a soft ball had grown in my left ovary...yea no wonder I felt like I was going to die, so surgery was performed the night I went into the ER, while I am still recovering I feel much better and hope to be back to normal very soon, Ive become so active that sitting around has been a huge pain and very boring, but I understand that I must do it in order to heal.


Other than a few things my life has been going great and Im always making plans to do something, I just cant sit around (unless ordered by a doctor) so Im enrolled in college for the first time and will start the road to my degree in Geology, and Geo Sciences...a dream I have had for years and years, and honestly thought that it would never be a reality for me so to say the least IM EXCITED!!!
Finally I will be able to work in my dream field and be able to make an excellent living for Robert and I...hard work and dedication pay off and I fully intend to work my butt off for what I want.

More blog posts should come since I want to keep up with it better...
Oh and I dyed my hair darker again with a hint of red and trimmed it up so its healthy and pretty again, I love the color and will probably keep it for a while, Ive always wanted to try a dark auburn and I pull it off even better than I thought I would...yay.

^Before: brown with blond highlights from summer

 ^After: awesomeness
^After: new auburn awesomeness